At the time, however, this gave me great pause for reflection.
As I mentioned, I have known this particular woman for a long time, have always found her to be extremely attractive and generally thought that her husband was quite the lucky guy.
Until she made that comment.

The whole experience, though, reminded me to subtly re-think how I view people in general, particularly in terms of their attractiveness and/or sexuality. It all kind of gets back to that "beauty is only skin deep" thing we hear so much about. Just because a person is outwardly attractive doesn't mean that he or she is going to make a good sex partner, depending on what you're looking for in that regard. On the other hand, someone who may exhibit what might stereotypically be described as physical flaws may, at the same time, be quite liberated and adventuresome with their sexuality. Until you get right down to it, there's no telling.

Hopefully, you can be comfortable with your own sexuality. After that, hopefully you can find someone who is comfortable with theirs. I think it creates a wonderful union when two like-minded individuals end up together in this way. It's not the be-all and end-all to a relationship, it's just a wonderful bonus!