This is one of those weirder traditions, I've always found. I'm one of those people who believes that self-examination is something that should be pretty continual and ongoing, and not something that should rightly be reserved for any particular time of the year. I also think that most people I know would be in agreement with this but, still, it's hard to resist the temptation to sit down and make a list. Lists are fun!
Brian's New Year's Resolutions
1. The old faithful....."lose some weight". How many other lists is this one on? Doralyn has lost a ton of weight in the past year being gluten-free and I seem to have packed on everything she lost! Doesn't seem fair to either of us!
2. Write more. Okay this one should be pretty easy, I'm already kind of in the groove. Just gotta get to work on that novel...
3. Do something with my music. Even if I just take what I've got on audio and transfer it over to CD. After that, who knows, what's the market out there for "movie music"...?
4. Sell the house and/or Keep the house. Gotta do one or t'other and then get on with things!

6. Be artistic. Create something that could actually be called "art". A painting, a sculpture, etc.
7. See my boys more. This one could easily have been closer to the top of the list! I enjoy seeing them so much that it should really happen more often. Or, at the very least, talk on the phone.
8. Talk to my brother. Any way I possibly can.
9. Spend more time at my Dad's He's gonna need it...
10. Find a chair that doesn't hurt my ass so much! Especially when it comes down to "novel-writing time".
There, that's a list of 10, that should probably do it for now! As I already mentioned, life changes are something that likely should occur at any time of year. Introspection is never a bad thing (unless you wallow in it!) and should happen regularly.
So Happy New Year's to you all and may 2012 be the best year ever!!
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