The fact that it is also Good Friday today has prompted this consideration even further.
Any time someone I know passes away I find myself wondering what exactly that person has now discovered and what kind of a journey they might currently be on.
In an earlier blog, I mentioned that I am somewhat jealous of the dead. The reason for this is that I believe any truly important question you might have had is answered when you pass away. You find out whether there is a God or not. You discover if there is a Hell. You find out if there are aliens. You suddenly know where anything you might ever have lost went to (and still is!)
If time travel is a possibility then you suddenly are aware of its mechanics. You find out whatever happened to Amelia Earhart and if there actually was a Jesus. All these questions and more get answered for you, in one fell swoop.

There are simply a mind-boggling number of questions I believe get answered when we pass.
I do believe in an afterlife, not so much because I am deeply religious (far from it) but simply because the laws of physics seem to apply. One of those laws states that energy cannot be destroyed, only changed. Because we all are made of different kinds of energy and because this energy cannot be destroyed I think that we simply change when we pass. Moreover, I think we are all derived from that same incomprehensible burst of energy that occurred when the universe was formed and that's why we are all so interconnected. As the hippies put it, we are one with the universe!
What I don't think, however, is that there is any kind of deity running the show.
My Dad now knows what the story is and I am jealous, just a little. I'm also content to wait until it is my turn to find out.
All good questions. Lets hope we wait a long while to find out the answers :)