About a third of the way through, there was a typo. I am somewhat of a prideful man when it comes to anything I write and I was horrified to find there was a typo in something I'd written that was also out there for public consumption and that, apparently, someone had actually been reading, for god's sake!
I immediately went back to the editing version of "Bullies", found the offensive typo and corrected it. On a whim, I turned on spellcheck and quickly went through the rest of the blog. Even more horrifyingly, I discovered I'd misspelled the word "misogyny" and I'd actually made up the word "elusivity"! In very short order, anyone reading this particular blog in its original form now has me pegged as a fumble-fingered, highly imaginative dyslexic and likely is spreading the word, as we speak.
As I was going about making this correction I imagined a scenario in which someone was reading this uncorrected blog and immediately contacted a friend to say they'd found a blog written by a moron and given them the blog address. This second person then goes to the same blog, which by now has been corrected, is unable to find any errors, and so then thinks their friend is the real moron, not me! I was amusing myself with this thought when Doralyn offered the suggestion that it was more likely the person reading the uncorrected version would simply tell their friends not to be bothered reading this blog at all (nor any of the other 80 or so I've written, I added, out loud).
I'm not even sure how this mess happened, I almost always use spellcheck before I publish a blog. I am a little less careful with grammar and will occasionally start a sentence with the word "and" or something like that more because I feel like it than anything. I see it as being a style issue, I guess, and not something likely to detract from any one's enjoyment of the blog. I do draw a distinction between style and ignorance, however, and that is why typos bother me so much.

Typos are one thing. I can't tell you how many times, however, I've actually made up words. Like "elusivity", as an example. Doesn't "elusivity" sound like it should be a word? Sure did to me! It was "the state or act of being elusive", at least in my head. The problem, I think, stems from spending so much time in public school learning about prefixes and suffixes and how they can be used to change words around to make new ones. I guess I do this a little too liberally. Apparently I have a problem with the "elusiveness" of proper spelling...
So, please forgive me, friends, if you find the occasional typo, spelling error, poor grammar or made-up word. You have entered this blog at your own risk, READERS BEWARE!
P.S. As I was about to publish this, I thought I'd go back and do spellcheck one more time. Spellcheck wasn't working. I guess I wore it out...
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