I'm pretty sure it was an obscenity of one kind or another and I'm thinking it was either a "s__t" or a "f__k". Okay, who am I kidding, it was a "f__k". Okay, who am I kidding, it was a "F__K!!!!"
I also instinctively knew that none of these collisions were going to be of the life-threatening variety.
Today, as I was driving along the ever-present Oxford Street, I wondered what I might utter should I ever see certain death approaching in the rear view mirror, should I be stopped (as a bad example) at a stoplight behind a Mack truck, only to have another Mack truck bearing down on me at 140 kph, no brakes, and completely out of control.
I am very terribly afraid I would stick with the old, tried-and-true "F__K!!" How terrible a way to end a life, though, with that being your final utterance?!

This is not easy to do, and much of it is dependent on the length of time you have.
If you have a second or less, you are pretty well looking at one word, two at the most. Unless you actually have time to say "GOOD-bye", perhaps "Bye" would do the trick. And it kind of seems appropriate. I suppose you could mention the name of a deity, like "God" or "Christ". These words, however, have taken on the modern meaning of being epithets and might be misconstrued, at the time. Perhaps you could blurt out the name of someone you love, in the hopes that this person's name is something short like "Sue" and not "Wilhelmina".
If all else fails, maybe even just a positive word, like "Love" or "Beauty", might do the trick as a last word. "Peace" and "Hope" pop into mind, as well. What about "Sex" as a final, wonderful thought? Just try and stay away from words like "Self-fulfillment" and "Reliability", to be on the safe side.
While "researching" this blog (by which I mean going to Google and typing in "last words"), I discovered several sites you could go to and read well-known (generally) people's last words. Many of them are in the "skull" up above. These are always fun and interesting to read but are generally deathbed oriented and perhaps thought-out beforehand. Some of them seem somewhat hallucinatory, almost as if the mind had gone somewhere and left the body behind. Obviously, these are not the kind of "last words" I have been talking about here. If, however, you'd like to spend any time trying to come up with something meaningful to pass on to your loved ones (or whoever happens to be there) in your final moments, then please feel free.

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