1. Lose some weight Yay, I actually did this one! Started running three times a week in August, courtesy of my Sweetheart, and have lost round about twenty pounds. I also suspect that going gluten-free may have had something to do with this, once again, courtesy of you-know-who!
2. Write more Well, I sort of accomplished this. Mainly, I didn't write any less. I also created another blog called "Strides", which concerns itself with my running adventure. The thought behind the resolution, though, was to maybe work on an actual novel or short story. This did not happen, mainly due to lack of an idea and, probably, the constant blogging I was already doing. I do, however, now have an idea for a short story...
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What they were... |
3. Do something with my music Still a work in progress, although I at least now have something on CD rather than on tape.
4. Sell the house and/or keep the house We decided to keep the house, at least for the time being, but selling is still an option somewhere down the road. The idea that we might be here for awhile, though, has energized me to make some improvements. This, in turn, might make it easier to sell on down the road.
5. Do something "outside the box" at work Never happened, really. This may morph into "just try and do your job well".
6. Be artistic I had wanted to do something creative and artistic, maybe painting or something like that. This never happened, either, so it goes back on the list!
7. See my boys more I'm not so sure this didn't get worse, rather than better, we went through long stretches without getting together. Some of it was busy schedules, some of it was just trying to make a large get-together when smaller ones would have done the trick. So we'll aim for smaller ones...

8. Talk to my brother Well, I not only talked to him but we actually went out to Calgary and visited. Unfortunately, this was all the result of our Dad passing away back in March. Dad will only pass away once, however, so we'll just have to do it on our own now.
9. Spend more time at my Dad's When I originally wrote this, I had no idea that my Dad would become ill in about a month and the pass away about a month after that. So I actually spent much more time at Dad's place and at the hospital, as it turned out. Obviously, I will no longer need to do this. At the same time, however, much of the physical stuff that was Dad's is now here at our place and there are constant reminders of him everywhere. It also doesn't feel as though his spirit is very far off.
10. Find a chair that doesn't hurt my ass so much This was in acknowledgement that I spend a lot of time sitting and blogging. Nothing much has changed, although I do tend to move around the room a little more. Actually, my ass is starting to hurt right now!
So that's a recap of last year's resolutions and how they turned out. There's a little room for improvement I guess but some things got at least more than a cursory glance.
Shortly, I'll be working on this year's list and will publish it soon. I think there will likely be a combination of the old and some new on this year's, we'll have to see. In the meantime, I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and All the Best in 2013!!
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