Doodles for Doralyn
This post is for my wife, Doralyn. This is not to say that the rest of you can't read it but I really wrote it with Doralyn in mind.
I doodled on a blog post a couple of months ago and Doralyn kind of enjoyed it. So I thought I would doodle a little more.
These doodles come to you courtesy of Windows Paint so, if you have Windows, you yourself can create art as amazing as this!
I have doodled for as long as I can remember. Most of it was while I really should have been doing something else--writing an exam, composing a poem, looking for coverage, doing a crossword, talking on the phone, those kinds of things.
Generally, I had nothing more than a pen or pencil at my command and very little ability to add colour afterwards. This has been what is kind of fun about the little doodles you see here--the colour.
Also, as I have doodled, I've plugged myself into iTunes and have been listening to much of my favourite music over the years. This is one thing I've really gotten away from, sadly, over the last few years. So it has been a double-barrelled pleasure experience, this late-night doodling and old-time music!
Doralyn and I just recently had our eight year anniversary of being together. It truly, however, feels as if it's been a much shorter length of time than that. The freshness of it all hits me just about every time I look at her. That and the overwhelming feeling that I have been extremely lucky.
I tell her this a lot and she replies that it's a very mutual kind of relationship but were you to be at all familiar with us as a couple then there would be no hesitation in declaring me the winner of the "Who Is The Luckier" Sweepstakes!
In reality, I think that anyone who has Doralyn in their life in any kind of capacity is all the better for it. This not only goes for me but applies as well to friends, relatives and co-workers---pretty well all the people who know her.
Her sons, of course, are the most fortunate beneficiaries of having had her in their lives. It is not often easy melding families together and, in the crucible that was two marriages dissolving and becoming a new one, Doralyn's love and steady hand was what got them (and all of us, really) through it. They have all become fine young men we are very proud of them.
Now, I'm not really sure what all this has to do with me doodling away the past few days. Except that Doralyn seemed to like it when I did. I can only imagine that, as long as this continues to be the case, I will endeavour to do so!
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