As you may have noticed, I blog fairly infrequently. Most of you are my friends so why harass you all with constant blogging!! Apart from that, I usually feel as though I have very little of importance to be imparting to a particular audience on a daily basis, hence the infrequency. Hell, usually I can't even come up with a Facebook status!
Back almost a year ago when I started all this, it felt as though there were several pressing issues on my mind that I'd been pondering for a long time that really needed expounding on. So I did that. And it's done. And there's nothing else.
I went through something similar way back when I began writing poetry. At the time, there just seemed so much to be writing about and that's what I did--wrote and wrote and wrote. Much of it was consequential stuff, some of it got published. But I was writing about everything and found, after awhile, that not everything needed to be written about. So I stopped. And this was probably one of the worst decisions of my life.
I think.

So that is how I dealt with that particular writer's block. This one, I'm still working on!
I have a friend who blogs daily. She is an extremely good and perceptive writer whose blogs I greatly look forward to reading. The fact that she is able to come up with something on a daily basis boggles my mind. I am not sure if she's due to peter out some day soon so time will tell but, right at the moment, I'm quite jealous. If there's one thing I do know, though, it's that writer's block will, at one time or another, affect every writer.
*there was a typo in that last sentence--when I originally wrote the word "time", I accidentally substituted the letter "o" for the letter "i"--thus making the word "tome"--how Freudian is that*
So I've had some fun writing about not writing. I'm sure that at some point soon something really worth writing about will pop up and off I will go. I have only been averaging about 1 blog a month since I've started and hope to greatly increase the frequency of this in the future.
Oh yeah, and I'm gonna write a novel.....
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