Sunday, November 20, 2011

Writer's Block

    Right at the moment, I am having a bit of a case of "writer's block". My principal problem is that I can't think of anything in particular to be writing about. I'm pretty sure that, given a topic, sitting down and whipping something off would be fairly easy. So what I have decided to do is write about "writer's block", in the hopes that something will come to me in the meantime and that, in the meantime, I'll at least be writing!
   As you may have noticed, I blog fairly infrequently. Most of you are my friends so why harass you all with constant blogging!! Apart from that, I usually feel as though I have very little of importance to be imparting to a particular audience on a daily basis, hence the infrequency. Hell, usually I can't even come up with a Facebook status!
   Back almost a year ago when I started all this, it felt as though there were several pressing issues on my mind that I'd been pondering for a long time that really needed expounding on. So I did that. And it's done. And there's nothing else.
   I went through something similar way back when I began writing poetry. At the time, there just seemed so much to be writing about and that's what I did--wrote and wrote and wrote. Much of it was consequential stuff, some of it got published. But I was writing about everything and found, after awhile, that not everything needed to be written about. So I stopped. And this was probably one of the worst decisions of my life.
   I think.
   One thing precipitating that cessation was that I became interested in music, that is making it, and found that suddenly my creative juices had been re-directed. When once there had been a time when I might have wandered off somewhere to write a poem I was now heading down to the "dungeon", my former basement, to create music. I had taught myself how to play a keyboard and ended up purchasing a digital keyboard with which I was able to play many different instruments and then layer them over each other. Often this music reverberated throughout the house and my ex referred to it as my "Phantom" phase.
   So that is how I dealt with that particular writer's block. This one, I'm still working on!
   I have a friend who blogs daily. She is an extremely good and perceptive writer whose blogs I greatly look forward to reading. The fact that she is able to come up with something on a daily basis boggles my mind. I am not sure if she's due to peter out some day soon so time will tell but, right at the moment, I'm quite jealous. If there's one thing I do know, though, it's that writer's block will, at one time or another, affect every writer.
   *there was a typo in that last sentence--when I originally wrote the word "time", I accidentally substituted the letter "o" for the letter "i"--thus making the word "tome"--how Freudian is that*
   So I've had some fun writing about not writing. I'm sure that at some point soon something really worth writing about will pop up and off I will go. I have only been averaging about 1 blog a month since I've started and hope to greatly increase the frequency of this in the future.
   Oh yeah, and I'm gonna write a novel.....


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