Sunday, July 12, 2015

Welts 2

   Back in December, I wrote a post called "Welts". In it, I bemoaned the fact that it had been ages since I'd been able to glory in a good bruise, black eye or laceration. Apparently I saw them as some kind of ball hockey sporting badge of honour. At the end of the post, I declared that I would play ball hockey again and that I would once again be able to share my welts with the world.
   Of course, I never really knew for sure that this might happen but it did happen! I managed to get back on a team in the spring and we just finished our summer season. Did I suffer body damage? Yes I did! Look see!
   This is just below my shoulder on my right arm. I barely remember how I got this which tells you a little about adrenaline.
   This is one I got on the same night, blocking a shot with my belly. I kind of had to because I had just coughed up the ball to the guy who took the shot. Thank you, Charles!
    Now, I promise this will be my last post about welts, strains, bruises and black eyes because, really, who wants to see stuff like this...? The only possible exception you might see someday is if bone is sticking out through skin. THAT would be hard to resist!!