Well, now that I have your attention, I suppose I could subject you to just about any kind of a blog I want! Although I imagine that if I did that then you could simply exit out and not likely ever return....so I won't.
Hmmmm....sex. Where do I begin....?
Sex is wonderful! Sex is horrible! Sex is uplifting, degrading, fulfilling, lonely, joyous, maddening, satisfying, frustrating, mystifying, bitter, and sizzling!
It is so many different things to so many different people, sometimes all at once. It definitely permeates society as no other aspect of our lives can. It even sells stuff! It never seems to be running too far below the mainstream thought process; you could be sitting there paying bills, cutting the grass, filling up your car, or writing a report and at some point, when you've used up whatever brain processes you needed to do that actual job, your brain reverts to sex.
Of course, a lot of the time sex isn't running behind the scenes at all, it's right out there in the forefront, monopolizing things. These are the interesting times, these are the times when we sacrifice our normal inhibitions and lay ourselves bare in every way possible. This is when you forgo normal modes of communication and simply rely on bodies responding to bodies. Not that no words are spoken; the words of sex are sometimes as important as the physical aspects of it. Sometimes the words are rough, sometimes they are whispered, sometimes playful, sometimes urgent. The words occasionally walk a fine line and, if chosen, should be chosen carefully. The wrong word can alter a mood so suddenly that sometimes you're better off just keeping your mouth shut and going with it.
As an adolescent, it didn't matter to me whether I had tons of money, whether my marks were good, whether I had a good job or did well at sports. All I wanted to do was have sex for the first time and this really did seem to be the most important thing I could aspire to.
Some of you are probably wondering why the hell this old guy is even talking about sex, let alone writing a whole blog about it. Well, of course, it really was a trap wasn't it? And the best part of the trap was that someone old enough to be your dad is now talking to you about sex! Which, you're thinking, is all wrong because you already know everything there is to know, right?
Well, one of the things you need to know is that as far as sex is concerned, there isn't much new under the sun (or the covers) and anything you think you've discovered for the first time is almost certainly something that's been around for an eternity, at least in one variation or another. So please don't assume your parents stopped having sex when they had their last kid. And, while you're at it, please assume that some of the sex they were having was creative, sensual, protracted and exhausting.
So now I need to figure out how to set another trap....
It's funny but when I got down to this sentencee "anything you think you've discovered for the first time is almost certainly something that's been around for an eternity, at least in one variation or another" .... i thought it said "one violation or another" at first. Had to do a double take. Thank the almighty "Is" for hot water and soap galore. We're probably the luckiest generation EVER....