The other memorable thing which likely will happen tonight or tomorrow is that I will have reached 5,000 page views. At this point, as well, people from 47 different countries have visited, at least once. As I've stated before, it's not hard to get here accidentally, the internet being what it is, but I'm still impressed to see the world map covered as much as it is.
In the world of blogging, I'm not sure that 100 blogs and 5,000 page views is particularly extraordinary, so I'm not going to celebrate a heck of a lot, just yet. I probably would have been surprised a year and a half ago when I started this if I'd been told I was still be doing this, this much later. There is something slightly addictive to the process, however, so I am still writing away.
I do look at other people's blogs and think to myself hmmm...you could be doing so much more...so it could well be the look of the blog will change in the future. I am, however, thinking it's about time to sit down and do some serious writing for a change, something along the line of "Fifty Tinges of Beige" or something like that, you know, a huge money-maker! Unfortunately, this would also mean staying on the same topic for a long time and I'm guessing I'd have a hard time doing this.
Speaking of staying on topic, as happy as I am with the number of people who have visited "Neanderings" since I started, I suspect I'd probably have a lot more page views if I picked a topic and more or less stuck with it. Like, if I picked "opera" as an example (bad example) and basically only wrote about opera eventually I'd have tons of opera fans out there who couldn't wait to see my next post. But I don't do that, I just kind of flitter around all over the place. I'm also happy flittering and I suspect it provides more to talk about (there is a finite number of operas out there) so I suspect not much will change anytime soon.
It would be cool to get a few more comments, right on the blog itself. It does occasionally feel like I'm writing in a vacuum and a comment, negative or otherwise, would be awesome. There is a spot at the very bottom of each blog to post comments and I think it's pretty simple to do, so...feel free! There is also a menu to the right of the blog which takes you to past entries. Even just clicking on a date will open up a whole list of posts made during that time frame. So if you're at all surprised and had no idea that there's been 100 blogs, feel free to click and browse (and comment!)
To those of you who have been faithful readers, I thank you greatly. I know there's so much stuff that shows up on the internet these days that it's pretty easy to see a link to something and just ignore it--I'm guilty of that myself. I also know that some of my blogs take a little time to read and I appreciate the fact that anybody does take the time, believe me!
Where it all happens--at least the "blogging" part... |
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