I am thinking it would be nice to see a friendly face when I arrive on the "other side" and there are many of my loved ones whose faces I would be happy to see again. Any time that I have seen a medium on T.V., talking to the departed, it seems as though our loved ones are there and eagerly waiting our arrival.
I can't tell you how many questions this raises in my mind, the idea that there may be an afterlife full of spirits and that there might be people here on earth who can communicate with them. So I will only raise one of them here.
Who is a "loved one"?
I have a pretty good idea of who a lot of my loved ones are I could potentially be seeing again. There are all sorts of family members, aunts, uncles, parents, grandparents and so on who have passed and could be there waiting for me.
There are, however, a large number of people who I've been very close to as well who weren't relatives and isn't it quite possible I could run into them also? I have worked with people who have passed away, both staff and people our agency supports and I have been involved with many of them on an almost daily basis and it would almost make sense that if there is an afterlife then they would be partaking of it. Perhaps with me.
I sometimes wonder if, in amongst the people I know, I might also run into total strangers. Or do you only come across loved ones? What if you "loved" someone but they didn't love you back? What if you only used to love someone, or vice-versa?
Mediums make you believe that your loved ones who have passed are watching over you, on almost a constant basis. Do they choose to do this or are they compelled to do so, by some sort of other-worldly job description? I wonder if they ever get a break, maybe watch over a stranger's shoulder for awhile. I wonder how emotional they get as their loved ones continue on after them. Do they sense the passing of time and do they get impatient, waiting?
As I sit here and write this, I wonder if I'm the only entity reading the words on the screen. Perhaps I should type a message...

I'm just not sure who I'm going to see there.
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